Sunday, 4 May 2014

The Shaman

He walked
in unbearable heat,
towards the snow
covered mountains.
He was alone,
didn't want to meet
anybody on his way.
But, he did,
meet a shaman,
in a cave,
as he was sleeping over,
one night,
after eating unnaturally
black ripe fruits
from a haunting tree.
He asked the shaman:
Is there winter, snow, mountains,
ahead on the way.
The shaman looked deep into
his eyes:
Go on, my son,
there is no mountain,
what awaits you
is more and more
unbearable heat;
it will turn your
golden skin black,
your hair will be fall,
you'll want to die of thirst,
but suddenly,
you'll feel utterly lonely,
as if,
in a hut on the
snow covered mountains.

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