Grey Sky.
Remote Clouds.
Feigning rains.
Unbearable heat.
Sadness of summers
laden with dark clouds.
Growing heavy
each passing moment.
Two people refuse to talk,
sitting abreast.
Due to very trivial reasons.
Cloud growing.
Silence like raindrops
making it heavy.
Poised to come down.
Two people are the
dumbest of all,
refusing to talk.
One pigeon
doesn't know
where to shit.
Pigeon bubbled
the cloud from
its beak.
One man is bad.
Why God gave him
eyes, he can't understand.
I don't blame the pigeon.
Only, he should time the shit better.
Like on the eyes of a
man, who is bad.
Remote Clouds.
Feigning rains.
Unbearable heat.
Sadness of summers
laden with dark clouds.
Growing heavy
each passing moment.
Two people refuse to talk,
sitting abreast.
Due to very trivial reasons.
Cloud growing.
Silence like raindrops
making it heavy.
Poised to come down.
Two people are the
dumbest of all,
refusing to talk.
One pigeon
doesn't know
where to shit.
Pigeon bubbled
the cloud from
its beak.
One man is bad.
Why God gave him
eyes, he can't understand.
I don't blame the pigeon.
Only, he should time the shit better.
Like on the eyes of a
man, who is bad.
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