Tuesday, 7 October 2014

When poetry starts becoming pastiche,what should one do?


into darkness.

Thursday, 25 September 2014

however,whatever,where ever

Staring at the wall,
you suddenly close your eyes
too tightly
for any light to penetrate.

You build darkness
in the light,
fool yourself
listening to the invisible,
inaudible rain.

Sunday, 31 August 2014


walking down the empty
road on a hot afternoon
a dust storm takes you in
and you're helpless.

Monday, 28 July 2014

The spirit is all knowing

Running like a wild dog on
the worn out roads of countryside,
I search for the rain,
search for the visions
of you and spring.

Its dry as a desert.
Huge mirages with 
no oasis.

The spirit in us
is silent, thirsty,
waiting to go

I write this,
my spirit being

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Some cities refuse to die

Some cities don't die.
They refuse to.
It just appears
to be dying,
in permanent decay.
This small town
I was born in,
its one of those.

The air is
heavy here,
each whiff
filled with

The decay is
forever here;
crumbling walls,
many lakes-
of ancient Kingdoms-
fading into

Unlike big cities,
children still play
cricket here.
Football is an outsider.
Dialects, people,
weather, predicaments
refuse to change.
The decay set in
long, long back.
So long,
nobody can trace
how long.

The city I was
born in
refuses to die.
It appears elegiac
when Sun sets in
evenings on
one of the many lakes.

A beautiful breeze
filled with music
through each night,
refusing to die.

Thursday, 10 July 2014


Rivers at the foot
of mountains
streams always, like blood.

Never running dry,
its sad, happy,
stoic, meditative.

The valley
thick with forests,
sunbeams like spotlights.

Dust dancing,
like dazed drunken
actors of a bankrupt company.

I find strange
noticing these,
unlikely of me.

But, your presence
makes me
nuanced, subtle.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Nothing but dust

We are nothing 
But dust in the end.

All this to achieve immortality;
All the throat cutting.

Few will remember you
As light in their lives.

Those, whom you gave darkness
Will forget you, happily.

We are nothing 
But dust in the end.

Friday, 27 June 2014


I am alone
in this crowd.
People do talk
to me
but fail
to converse
with me.

I know
its cliched.
when the world
does not
understand you.

I want to
in the
great oceans
with no
no Sun.

I don't know
how to swim.

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Moon in the River

I want to
in silence
of  a river.

Wind makes the bamboo
bow and scratch
the river's surface.

The moon
in the river
is rippled.

in its rush,
takes a few boughs,

is blemished,
its face scratched.

Wind subsides.
Bamboo rises,
moon is full again.

Monday, 23 June 2014

Obviously, its difficult to understand

Grey Sky.
Remote Clouds.
Feigning rains.
Unbearable heat.

Sadness of summers
laden with dark clouds.
Growing heavy
each passing moment.
Two people refuse to talk,
sitting abreast.
Due to very trivial reasons.
Cloud growing.
Silence like raindrops
making it heavy.
Poised to come down.
Two people are the
dumbest of all,
refusing to talk.

One pigeon
doesn't know
where to shit.
Pigeon bubbled
the cloud from
its beak.

One man is bad.
Why God gave him
eyes, he can't understand.
I don't blame the pigeon.
Only, he should time the shit better.
Like on the eyes of a
man, who is bad.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Biography of a day after Bloomsday

Two sparrows
in my balcony.
A crow
far away.

Summer heat,
humans curling,wavy.
giving off smoke
from the earth.

Evening draws.
Ceiling fan's
shivering shadows
spilled on

water splashed
face,eyes refreshed.

is a
long affair,
complete with

filled with
strange music.
are cooler-
and I
have your
in dreams.

Friday, 13 June 2014

Picture Composition

A narrow winding lane of mud
was in front of me;
And the sun was overshadowed
by the welcome clouds.
A couple of children
on bicycles ran past me,
the tinkling horn of the bicycles
filling the air.
A few steps ahead,
big trees leaned onto the road
the mud lane disappearing in the trees.
Two birds fly off from
the foilage and it starts to rain.
The road becomes slippery.
I take off my slippers,
walk barefooted to my house,
beyond the winding lane,
beyond the trees  arching above it.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

My Grandmother is addicted to Rubik's Cube

My grandmother, is not so old;
she is not yet frail.
its only when she speaks,
I get its hard for her
to search for words
in what is a dried up well,
no monsoon can gauge its depth.

Her hands don't yet
shake on their own accord.
She has a sense of the world,
a sense of me, an in depth
of what should be,
and what should not.

For me, she always has
one corner of the heart,
untrod by others.
She listens, and
then dismisses, often
smiling, and I doubt myself,
what I was saying,
for, she has a sense of the world.

These days, when my grandfather,
is away for a few weeks,
she is addicted to rubik's cube.
She can't get the red ones on a face,
its been five days, the two red squares
are eluding her, making her slide
the cube all day.

And she loves to call people,
the same ones again and again,
seven times a day.
She isn't one of those old
grumpy women, pretentious,
holding everything in offensive.

She has her own jazzy personality;
an astute sense of dignity-
saying people, in the face.
She is cool, liberal,
and loves calm and quietness.

But, she has lost her will to learn.
Often, she says, how she'll
while away her days
and its really sad for me.
But I don't tell it to her
because she isn't really old,
she isn't even frail yet.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014


Halfway down your journey,
you relapse

from the black leather upholstery
of your black taxi

into tranquility
of that city or wait, it was a town

you read about in that poem,
in that book.

Its like the last step, on a flight
of stairs, which isn't there.

With eyes open, under scorching Sun,
you see coconut trees dripping from the rain.

If only ,there were postcards, without cities
on them, letters without senders-

just things written, answered,
then posted again to someone unknown.

What's the mountain to a river?
It can't express love, like the river

Its stern, grumpily guarding the river,
writing postcards to her, from ages.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

On failed poems

Richard Strauss' Metamorphosen
on strings-
takes me far,
very far away
from the heat and dust,
from pain,
evenings, full of sadness.
It rains there,
and the soft swishing sound
as the trees move
in the wind.

Poems, most of the times
they fail miserably
but I keep on writing
one after the other.
It gives me peace,
a strange pleasure,
to write failed poems
because you know
the good ones
even before you write them.
the best ones go unwritten 
we never ever write it,
might it put a stray streak
on the painting
in our mind.

Friday, 6 June 2014

In which I am a fish

And there is water
around on all sides,
like The Great Flood.
And I am a fish,
complete with gills.
You, too are there,
its just the two of us
in the flood.
Two fishes,
round and round,
afraid they'll be lost.
In my most favorite dream,
I become a fish,
I have gills
and you retain your hair
and you ask me,
"Is there nobody?"
"No, just us and clear blue water and the Sun above."
"Is it eternal?"
"I don't know".

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Khushwantnama: Lessons from the Sardar's life

there is too  much of 
pretension in this world.
i realise it often,
sitting alone
in a conversation
with lot of people.
there is greed,
changing faces of happiness-
the unattainable happiness,
a constant fear of death.
people aren't generally good 
to each other.
they cross them,
double cross them,
have relations and happiness
butchered in a barter shop
of silver happiness.
and, then there is loneliness,
after all you have got,
after everybody you want
is near,
there is loneliness,
where the though of each person you made
injustice to,
each person you could have helped,
each person you pushed down
to climb the ladder,
creeps up,
eating your braincells,
one by one,
and there is nobody to tell
of this utter loneliness.
No, I am not preaching
God or spirituality here.
Each person has a soul
for the mysterious and unknown,
it tells, it always tells
what should be
for there is no right.
The soul is often overridden
its only long after
the flame of life 
is so frail,
as to not even survive
a slight shift of the breeze,
that we hear the echoes
that we couldn't,
when there was 
din all around.

Monday, 26 May 2014

Summer evenings

Then, there was
a summer
raining of lassitude,
burning off weariness.
From a brilliant shining
light blue
to a bright burning orange
to a bloody pink,
I sit,
see the sky changing colors.
The seconds hang
heavy on my eyelids,
full of ennui.
When you lie on your back,
on such evenings,
look at the sky,
its so clear
stars shining in clusters.
The cool breeze rises
up to your face, to
your nose,
taking your ennui
far away,
leaving you
mid air, free,
in dreams.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

After the deluge

The lightness
entered inside me,
last night,
as I lay,
wrapped deep in
I woke up,
sat on a chair,
felt collapsing
on it,
like a
bag of
buckling from
on its own
And then you,
you, with your
hair sprawled,
laying haphazard
across your face,
eyes quickly
then melting
into a smile-
all glee, happiness,
infinite possibilities
inside me,
lighting me.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Summer Verse

All the rush
is futile.
Ecstasy, Passion,
Love, Jealousy-
they come
when they have to.
Each day, Sun
kisses the Earth.
Once in every
few months,
comes the rain-
a final ingredient
to what's brewing inside-
and gives the beautiful
smell of wet Earth.
You see certain things,
smell them, feel them,
make memories
of them,
some sweet, some bitter,
some horrible, disgusting.
And, once in a while,
it sparks,
the fire inside you
burns with a demonic rhythm,
reaches a crescendo,
and you realise,
all the worries,
all the evenings
wounded by it,
all the dawns seen
by you
after sleepless nights,
all of it,
all of the rush
was futile.

Monday, 5 May 2014

By the moonlight

The wet
of the trees,
swaying in the light
forming a netted
pattern on the
road in the
pale moonlight-
I notice
them more,
when walking
for you always
liked these shadows
as if shimmering
like the surface of a
water body.
With you,
I am
each day
more closer
what I've been
to  myself
in my dreams.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

The Shaman

He walked
in unbearable heat,
towards the snow
covered mountains.
He was alone,
didn't want to meet
anybody on his way.
But, he did,
meet a shaman,
in a cave,
as he was sleeping over,
one night,
after eating unnaturally
black ripe fruits
from a haunting tree.
He asked the shaman:
Is there winter, snow, mountains,
ahead on the way.
The shaman looked deep into
his eyes:
Go on, my son,
there is no mountain,
what awaits you
is more and more
unbearable heat;
it will turn your
golden skin black,
your hair will be fall,
you'll want to die of thirst,
but suddenly,
you'll feel utterly lonely,
as if,
in a hut on the
snow covered mountains.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

I am a distorted man

i am a distorted man,

from inside.
i draw disfigured figures
from outside.
i write poems,
trying to write something
beautiful in distortion.
I think about strange things
like the leaves that the tree
abandoned yesterday,
but why did it abandon them?
maybe, they were distorted ,
like the figures I draw,
from outside.
neglected people in rags,
in squalid corners,
made invisible by the
blinding brightness of the world
catch my attention,
I want to talk to them,
because I know
they are perfect
like everybody is,
in their own distortions.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Last summer

I sit cross legged,
angled on the wall of my balcony,
brushing my teeth.
Last summer,
I had detached a glass pane
from my window
and placed it
in my balcony-
I see a tree rhythmically,
melodiously, swaying in it.
Its nostalgic, melancholic
how it undulates
at another
cusp of summer,
late in the afternoon
as my mouth
becomes full of
white silica foam.
The breeze is lukewarm
and the wall bears
no sign of Sun.
Suddenly, the clouds shift,
the Sun emerging
jostling away from the
blue and silver clouds
and the glass pane
a mocking and ludicruous sheen
the music of the trees
with its gaudy gesture.

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Like in O. Henry's stories

Like the plucking
of the string in
a violin,
it plays through me.
And you are the reed
through which
I play mine part
in the opera.
And the opera,
the play,
the staging,
its magnum
even as we sit,
in silence,
opposite to each other,
in a semi dark room,
with the sun low outside,
and the rain,incessant,
like in one of those
O Henry's stories,
that both of us
have read.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

The Sea

The sea,
rolling by,
waves collapsing,
crashing again and again,
like eternal lovers,
falling into each other,
time and again,
each day and every night.
I lay on the shore,
reclining on a dune.
A distant ship
is lit up far far away
from me,
onto the
sprawling ocean,
unrolled in the silvery
full moon.
Whispers of the waves,
as they rush on,
touch my toes
and then again
pulled back
to the sea
as if,
something deep within
keeps it holding-
each and every
is like a breath
of the creature inside.
Sometimes, a sweet sullenness
comes over the sea,
its upset with the shore,
stops talking to it,
becomes still,
a silver metal all over.
And I keep on gazing,
wait for another night
for the sea always comes
back to it shore.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Of you, I made multitudes

'A malnourished man,
just a langot round his waist
and a turban on his head,
oblivious, eyes closed,
bathed in green,
on the heads of thousands.'
An old Steve McCurry click floats
on to the horizon-
like an existentialist
conclusion to the festival.
Among all these,
the motifs of Holi
I imagine your presence
Of you,
I make multitudes,
in each particle of the color.
Your square shaped palm
with rounded corners
with your little fingers
had to touch my cheeks today.
They didn't,
so I imagined;
of you,
I made multitudes.
Like uncle Walt,
I had multitudes inside,
I poured all of it,
and, of you,
I made multitudes.

Monday, 3 March 2014


oh this strange place
called dreams
where I meet you
again and again
and then lose you
again and again
in the teeming crowd
where everybody's face
but your face
is turned away from me.
A large mirror
stands at the end of the road.
I know its a dream
but I am rushing
towards that mirror
where I am sure
you are waiting.
But the sunlight dissolves
and its twilight
at some old fort
in Delhi.
Alone, among the ruins,
I sense your footsteps,
your smell.
Maybe, you're searching
for me.
I'll wait,
just let me hold on
to this dream,
to this place.
Just don't dissolve into
another sunny day.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

And I weaved

And i read one poem
after another;
several poems-
some about love,
some about dreams-
kept on reading,
one after another.
I was looking
for some loose
end of thread
to pick it
and weave something
in this thin air.
I weaved and weaved,
and somewhere,
it lost form and shape.
There were too many
loose ends;
lacking coherence,
some found it
as broken apart,
in pieces
and a few could see
what resonated

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Winter creeps through my window

A silent roll of waves,
winter creeps through
my window cracks.
I pretend to myself,
I am sleeping,
winter touches my toe,
climbs up
through my veins
freezes my blood
The moments,
on my eyelids.
Once again,
the same streets,
the same restaurants,
the same people,
the same beggars,
the same songs,
the same books
once again, with you,
right here,
etched on my eyelids.

Sunday, 5 January 2014

I often close my eyelids

I often close my eyelids,
and the sun washes down
on them.
I often close my eyelids,
the moist air
from the deciduous leaves
fill my nostrils.
I often close my eyelids
trying to make
a picture of you,
for,I miss you,
with eyelids,
close and open.